This is an in-depth study of modern Shamanic practice, based on Universal Shamanic Traditions with modern new-consciousness applications.
There is a specific curriculum for this course which stretches over 15-months.
The universal traditions of shamanic practice will be drawn from all cultures and will therefore be eclectic. Among the traditions referred to will be Native American Indian, Celtic, African, Hawaiian, Aboriginal Australian and Kabalistic.
While each session will be as contained as possible, obviously reference must be made to other sessions. This, therefore does require commitment, so that the process becomes more holistic, rather than scattered.
In the light of this, there will be some essential sessions to which constant and frequent reference will be made and which form the basis of other sessions. These essential, core sessions are session 1 and session 2 in the curriculum below (this is only applicable to the 2022 group). These sessions are compulsory.
BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL, minimum 10 people.
Meets on a Wednesday from 19.30 to 21.30
Cost R350.